silvia guardini

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Michael Jackson - English text



"Of all the elements, the Wise man should take water as his master.
Water is soft but conquers all. Water extinguishes Fire. Or, closing to defeat,it runs away like steam and reform.
Water washes away soft Earth, or, when challenged by the rocks, looking for a way to pass around them.
Water corrodes Iron till it crumbles into dust, it saturates the atmosphere so that the wind out.
Water can pass obstacles with deceptive humility, because no power can prevent it from going ahead for the sea.
Water conquest yielding, never attacks but always wins the last battle.
The Wise like water is humble, he embraces the liabilities, acts by non-action and conquers the world."

Tao Cheng (1)

What I got from the many television programs about Michael Jackson, shortly after news of his death, 26 to 28 June this year and then again July 7, was something different from the image bizarre, even vulgar, leading to my total disregard for his music and vicissitudes.

Prejudice is ignorance (2)

Intrigued and attracted, without fear and free from any inclination to judge the man, I rely on what I was beginning to perceive and I felt true.
Now, that understanding and awareness to the sensations take over, with gratitude for the Big Picture and what we are, I hope to share with you my experiences. Because everything in this world is for us, everything is connected into the invisible network of synchronous ... you just begin to vibrate at a given frequency, and everything in it sounds we will be met, almost magically ...

You've probably heard of Water, Wood, Fire, Metal, Earth: they are the "famous" 5 movements. They are symbols. As I explain in my seminars, a symbol is what relates the archetype, i.e. the natural order of living, the basic rules of life, what is the model according to the top, with the infinity of forms and mechanisms that embody these rules. Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water are the best existing in nature to represent respectively the starting up, expansion, loss of ties, condensation, cohesion, the 5 mutations of life (think of the fate of a drop of water that evaporates from the sea surface) (8). In particular, water is the consistency, what connects and ensures cohesion, being connected to the network (different from being solid). It is being supportive, rather than solid. The ability to give a coherent answer as all parties are connected. In this sense, water is the first movement, but also the last and only, that to which everything is back.

The 5 movements are breaths governing forms and actions. They are not theoretical concepts!
Some people expressed particularly in their physical traits and behaviour the characteristics of one element. Recognizing allows having best chance in points choosing, and, for people, the awareness of which is the core element of their moving in life creates inside an optimal centre and sure success. I think Michael Jackson is an example of how a human being can live in the name of an element (Water), switching weaknesses into strengths (bandages on his fingers, protective mask on his face, changed colour, may also indicate severe immune problems, not just eccentricity or madness). At his death, which was embodied in him at full power was returned to the world, networking, activating and amplifying similar vibration frequencies in those who are on the same wavelength. The outcry over after his death, the honours awarded to him, the funeral worldwide, were determined by a force much more powerful than the simple emotion of the moment and we have yet to see what it will happens ...

With Mina (3), abandoning any opinion or judgement on the man they wanted to show us, just try to feel what inspires in us the artist: "the music ... do not take into consideration any earthly littleness ... the music release from human history. "

Now make local mind, you slide your eyes on her various images (for obvious copyright reasons, not mentioned in this article), go over the video to you dearest, try some live online (I recommend live in Auckland, " Earth Song "), and then, if you need it yet, read on ...

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Water governs two organs: kidneys and bladder.
Kidneys generate power and strength; " kidney is the receptacle of the sources creating the essence of the blood of all subjects and creating ";" are revealed in the hair outside, inside the bones", the kidneys are "the source of all the vital essences" (4).
The bladder is the organ that rules the territory where we lay our life, with its 67 points, is the meridian largest of all. It is no accident that the animals delineate their territory with their urine marking it (they have studied the laws of Chinese medicine!). No other pop artist has been known throughout the world, doing his live performances in all continents, spreading up the territory of its representations.

- Accepts everything to himself (external forms and substances that can be mixed to water) without changing its nature
- is fitting on
- Sides and slides around the bodies it encounters
- Goes down
- Unstoppable, does not stop
- Has a thousand forms and a thousand ways, but it is always water

Many faces, too many faces, anyone definitive ...
Mina (3)

I propose the most obvious similarities with water I've felt:

- The famous moonwalk: his feet seem to slide on the floor, which seems slipping away from under the soles. The feet, our "roots", are connected to the kidneys, right on the sole of the foot is located the point KI1, Yong Quan, "gushing spring", the lowest point of the body, in contact with the soil, which give us the impetus to the life movement. Michael's movements, light and graceful, are flowing like water.

- On several occasions, part of his costume is a big stage with a clear stud girdle at the waist. There is, among the so-called extraordinary vessels (these meridians, by the French School of Acupuncture, structuralize the body since the embryo stage), a meridian called "pot-belt", Dai Mai, which is the only transversal meridian. Just like a belt, from the loins he goes forward, along the iliac crest and down to the pubis. Therefore girds all other longitudinal vessels. Its role, in my opinion, concern our "transversality", our expand or not expand in the cosmic web. If the belt is too tight, our link up the world hasn't directionality; the body's up and down don't communicate, and the up, not energized by the down, goes all around. Dai Mai surrounds the kidneys, and thus makes us strong. By linking our kidneys (head of all our potential source of yin and yang of the whole body) to the cosmic web, allows our "networking".

- In dance, Michael use so much the pelvis, or as moving parts, or as a pivot for the body's movements. The pelvis, the lower part of the trunk, corresponds to water; pelvis contains the internal organs from which life arises, so it's our power and strength. Every Michael's move comes from there, even those of the slow blues, even movements of body parts as far away as shoulders and hands. And always, after every move, he goes back to the centre. When I say "pelvis" I mean a precise area, which should not be confused with trivial genitalia. I'm talking about an area located between the vertebral column (the last lumbar vertebrae, sacrum) behind, and umbilicus forward. When our "going throughout the world" originates from there, is intimately connected to life's deepest forces, to our living will and our life authenticity. Because it is from the experience that comes the feeling, from feeling comes awareness, from knowledging comes mutations, those are life

"Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the Creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye. But the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In these moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists." Michael Jackson (5)

- Sinuous sensuality, like water penetrating between the rocks of the stream
- He gives all of himself in the show, he is generous, with the generosity of Water, who is not afraid to jump into the waterfall; so, too, almost exhausted, he threw himself on his knees (another district peripherals connected to the element Water)
- About music, drum, with snare drum characteristically open, used with its rhythmic beating, insistent and compelling, is the musical instrument associated with the element Water.

- Characteristically, takes time, often upbeat, with the ankle instead of the toe. (A classic example is the video "Man in the mirror). What is he using? Meridians QIAO, two extraordinary vassals, starting right from the ankle and from Water's points, that govern the man's going during the time. For many years I've been using in my therapy these meridians, and the famous points on the ankles, but I haven't never got before an image so simple and defined of their function!

So, who was Michael Jackson? Indeed, who is Michael Jackson?

Surely is an icon of Water.
He probably was in his privacy a "
kidney / shao yin" becoming on stage "bladder / tai yang".
Using the forces of low, he has become, almost magically, "the greatest entertainer that ever lived" (6), and his death was commemorated by the whole world by "the largest public farewell in history" ( 7).

When he was attacked, not defended himself, preferring to pay and slipping away, and now, with sales taking place after death, much higher than what would be the proceeds of the tour, "This is it," he is perhaps really winning the last battle, just as reciting the words of the Wise Tao Cheng.

I don't comment his private affairs, and I don't say nothing at all on what, not artistic performance, is only an opinion influenced by too many factors.
For the same reason I haven't discussed the character's aspects and I haven't compare with the alleged psychic aspects of the Water, despite the size of the material provided by both media and many Chinese Medicine authors.
What I'm getting from him is certainly not a cerebral speculation, but feelings, emotions, perceptions, and awareness of the processes activated by them. It' s just only this that makes us changing ...

"No message could be any clearer:
if you wanna make the world a better place
take a look at yourself and then make the change
you gotta get it right, while you got the time,
'cause when you close your heart
then you close your mind "

from the song "Man in the Mirror"

1. H. Beinfield, E. Kormgold: Between heaven and earth. Ed Castle
2. Full video of "Black or White",
3. 27.06.09
4. Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, Translation Husson, chapter 8, 9, 77
5. from the CD cover Dangerous
6. Berry Gordy (Special to the memory transmitted by Italy 1 July 7, 2009)
7. TG MTV July 7.
8. Kespy: Acupuncture. And Maissonneuve
9. Eyssalet JM: Les cinq chemins du clair et de l'obscur - Gui Trédaniel Ed
10. Requena Y. : Land and pathology in acupuncture Ed Expansion
11. Requena Y: Acupuncture and psychology. And Ipsa
12. Huand Di Nei Jing Su Wen cap 67, 69

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